Transcript Verlag
共有 696 項, 本頁顯示 391-420 項

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Brooklyn Tides: The Fall and Rise of a Global Borough (Paperback)

Benjamin Shepard, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2018/05/29
原價: HK$476.00 現售: HK$452.2
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Chaos in the Contact Zone: Unpredictability, Improvisation, and the Struggle for Control in Cultural Encounters (Paperback)

Christoph Behrens, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2018/05/01
原價: HK$546.00 現售: HK$518.7
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Care Home Stories: Aging, Disability, and Long-Term Residential Care (Paperback)

Sally Chivers, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2018/05/01
原價: HK$546.00 現售: HK$518.7
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Actors and Networks in the Megacity: A Literary Analysis of Urban Narratives (Paperback)

Prachi More, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2018/05/01
原價: HK$546.00 現售: HK$518.7
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Healthcare as a Human Rights Issue: Normative Profile, Conflicts, and Implementation (Paperback)

Andreas Frewer, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2018/05/01
原價: HK$630.00 現售: HK$598.5
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Kompositionen Für Hörbaren Raum / Compositions for Audible Space: Die Frühe Elektroakustische Musik Und Ihre Kontexte / The Early Electroacoustic Musi

Martha Brech, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2018/04/01
原價: HK$546.00 現售: HK$518.7
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Digital Culture & Society (Dcs) Vol. 3, Issue 2/2017: Mobile Digital Practices (Paperback)

Annika Richterich, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2018/04/01
原價: HK$476.00 現售: HK$452.2
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Dealing with Elusive Futures: University Graduates in Urban Africa (Paperback)

Elísio Macamo, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2018/04/01
原價: HK$546.00 現售: HK$518.7
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Imagining Earth: Concepts of Wholeness in Cultural Constructions of Our Home Planet (Paperback)

Nicolas Pethes, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2018/04/01
原價: HK$476.00 現售: HK$452.2
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Jacob Moleschott - A Transnational Biography: Science, Politics, and Popularization in Nineteenth-Century Europe (Paperback)

Laura Meneghello, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2018/04/01
原價: HK$784.00 現售: HK$744.8
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Eu-Space and the Euroclass: Modernity, Nationality, and Lifestyle Among Eurocrats in Brussels (Paperback)

Pawel Michal Lewicki, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2018/04/01
原價: HK$630.00 現售: HK$598.5
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Epilepsy Metaphors: Liminal Spaces of Individuation in American Literature, 1990-2015 (Paperback)

Eleana Vaja, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2018/04/01
原價: HK$546.00 現售: HK$518.7
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Beyond the Civil War Hospital: The Rhetoric of Healing and Democratization in Northern Reconstruction Writing, 1861-1882 (Paperback)

Kirsten Twelbeck, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2018/02/01
原價: HK$784.00 現售: HK$744.8
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Landscapes of Music in Istanbul: A Cultural Politics of Place and Exclusion (Paperback)

Alex G. Papadopoulos, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2018/01/16
原價: HK$546.00 現售: HK$518.7
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Movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies Vol. 3, Issue 2/2017: Turkey's Changing Migration Regime and Its Global and Region

Bediz Yilmaz, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2018/01/16
原價: HK$392.00 現售: HK$372.4
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Clash of Realities 2015/16: On the Art, Technology, and Theory of Digital Games (Paperback)

Clash Of Realities, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2018/01/16
現售: HK$450
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Congoism: Congo Discourses in the United States from 1800 to the Present (Paperback)

Johnny Van Hove, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2018/01/16
原價: HK$630.00 現售: HK$598.5
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Where the Everyday Begins: A Study of Environment and Everyday Life (Paperback)

James Morrow, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2018/01/16
原價: HK$1568.00 現售: HK$1489.6
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The Future of the Eurozone: How to Keep Europe Together: A Progressive Perspective from Germany (Paperback)

Alexander Schellinger, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2018/01/16
原價: HK$476.00 現售: HK$452.2
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Situating Global Art: Topologies - Temporalities - Trajectories (Paperback)

Sarah Dornhof, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2017/12/31
原價: HK$630.00 現售: HK$598.5
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Sounds of a New Generation: On Contemporary Jewish-American Literature (Paperback)

Deborah Wallrabenstein, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2017/12/05
原價: HK$546.00 現售: HK$518.7
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Wires That Bind: Nation, Region, and Technology in the Southwestern United States, 1854-1920 (Paperback)

Torsten Kathke, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2017/11/28
原價: HK$630.00 現售: HK$598.5
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(post)Colonial Histories: Trauma, Memory and Reconciliation in the Context of the Angolan Civil War (Paperback)

Steffi Hobuß, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2017/11/01
原價: HK$476.00 現售: HK$452.2
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Aging in Slavic Literatures: Essays in Literary Gerontology (Paperback)

Dagmar Gramshammer-Hohl, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2017/10/24
原價: HK$630.00 現售: HK$598.5
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Discursive Intersexions: Daring Bodies Between Myth, Medicine, and Memoir (Paperback)

Michaela Koch, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2017/10/24
原價: HK$630.00 現售: HK$598.5
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Writing Emotions: Theoretical Concepts and Selected Case Studies in Literature (Paperback)

Ingeborg Jandl, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2017/10/24
原價: HK$630.00 現售: HK$598.5
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American Missionaries in the Ottoman Empire: A Conceptual Metaphor Analysis of Missionary Narrative, 1820-1898 (Paperback)

Hami Inan Gümüs, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2017/10/24
原價: HK$546.00 現售: HK$518.7
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Prizing Debate: The Fourth Decade of the Booker Prize and the Contemporary Novel in the UK (Paperback)

Anna Auguscik, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2017/10/24
現售: HK$450
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Emotions, Remembering and Feeling Better: Dealing with the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement in Canada (Paperback)

Anne-Marie Reynaud, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2017/10/24
原價: HK$630.00 現售: HK$598.5
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Ich Bin Eine Kanackin: Decolonizing Popfeminism - Transcultural Perspectives on Lady Bitch Ray (Paperback)

Pinar Tuzcu, Transcript Verlag, 出版日期: 2017/10/17
原價: HK$476.00 現售: HK$452.2
購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

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