共有 934 項, 本頁顯示 181-210 項

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eBook: Perplexed Prophets: Six Nineteenth-Century British Authors (DRM PDF)

Gaylord C. LeRoy, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: Script of Jonathan Swift and Other Essays (DRM PDF)

Shane Leslie, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: Four Faces of Man: A Philosophical Study of Practice, Reason, Art, and Religion (DRM PDF)

Irwin C. Lieb, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: O. Henry: The Man and His Work (DRM PDF)

E. Hudson Long, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: Stories of Ernest Dowson (DRM PDF)

Mark Longaker, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: Uncollected Poems of James Russell Lowell (DRM PDF)

James Russell Lowell, Thelma M. Smith, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: Religion and the Modern World (DRM PDF)

Jacques Maritain, Joseph L. Hromadka, William J. McGarry, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: Byron, Shelley, Hunt, and "The Liberal" (DRM PDF)

William Harvey Marshall, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

eBook: Notion of Analytic Truth (DRM PDF)

R. M. Martin, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: Egypt and the Formation of the Anglo-French Entente of 1904 (DRM PDF)

Joseph James Mathews, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: Cities in the Sand: Leptis Magna and Sabratha in Roman Africa (DRM PDF)

Kenneth D. Matthews, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: Union Authorization Cards and the NLRB: A Study of Congressional Intent, Administrative Policy, and Judicial Review (DRM PDF)

Alan R. McFarland, Wayne S. Bishop, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: Some Economic Aspects of Business Organization (DRM PDF)

James E. McNulty, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: Harvey Baum: A Study of the Agricultural Revolution (DRM PDF)

Edward Sherwood Mead, Bernhard Ostrolenk, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: Borneo Journey into Death: Berawan Eschatology from Its Rituals (DRM PDF)

Peter Metcalf, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: Studies in Economics and Industrial Relations (DRM PDF)

Wesley C. Mitchell, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: Youth in Museums (DRM PDF)

M. Eleanor McCullough, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: American Synthetic Rubber Research Program (DRM PDF)

Peter J. T. Morris, Arnold Thackray, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: James Nelson Barker, 1784-1858: With a Reprint of His Comedy "Tears and Smiles" (DRM PDF)

Paul Howard Musser, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: Cipher of Roger Bacon (DRM PDF)

William Romaine Newbold, Roland Grubb Kent, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: Bible and the Image: The History of Photography in The Holy Land, 1839-1899 (DRM PDF)

Yeshayahu Nir, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1430
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eBook: Roman Religion and Roman Empire: Five Essays (DRM PDF)

Robert E. A. Palmer, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: Philadelphia Theatre in the Eighteenth Century: Together with the Day Book of the Same Period (DRM PDF)

Thomas Clark Pollock, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1495
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eBook: Territories and the United States, 1861-1890: Studies in Colonial Administration (DRM PDF)

Earl S. Pomeroy, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: Metaphysical Passion: Seven Modern American Poets and the Seventeenth-Century Tradition (DRM PDF)

Sona Raiziss, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: Generalizations in Historical Writing (DRM PDF)

Alexander V. Riasanovsky, Barnes Riznik, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: Pennsylvania German Literature: Changing Trends from 1683 to 1942 (DRM PDF)

Earl F. Robacker, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: Educating the Employed Disadvantaged for Upgrading: A Report on Remedial Education Programs in the Paper Industry (DRM PDF)

Richard L. Rowan, Herbert R. Northrup, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1235
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eBook: Letters to and from Caesar Rodney, 1756-1784: Member of the Stamp Act Congress and the First and Second Continental Congresses; Speaker of the

George Herbert Ryden, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1495
購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

eBook: Development of Nomadism in Ancient Northeast Africa (DRM PDF)

Karim Sadr, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 出版日期: 2017/01/30, 系列: Anniversary Collection
現售: HK$1104
購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

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