共有 14 項

eBook: On Community (DRM EPUB)

Casey Plett, Biblioasis, 出版日期: 2023/11/07, 系列: Field Notes
原價: HK$143.00 現售: HK$135.85
購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

eBook: On Class (DRM EPUB)

Deborah Dundas, Biblioasis, 出版日期: 2023/05/09, 系列: Field Notes
原價: HK$169.00 現售: HK$160.55
購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

eBook: On Writing and Failure: Or, On the Peculiar Perseverance Required to Endure the Life of a Writer (DRM EPUB)

Stephen Marche, Biblioasis, 出版日期: 2023/02/14, 系列: Field Notes
原價: HK$143.00 現售: HK$135.85

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eBook: States of Incarceration: Rebellion, Reform, and America's Punishment System (DRM EPUB)

Shanahan Jarrod Shanahan, Kurti Zhandarka Kurti, Reaktion Books, 出版日期: 2022/10/24, 系列: Field Notes
原價: HK$260.00 現售: HK$247
購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

eBook: On Browsing (DRM EPUB)

Jason Guriel, Biblioasis, 出版日期: 2022/10/04, 系列: Field Notes
原價: HK$143.00 現售: HK$135.85
購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

States of Incarceration: Rebellion, Reform, and America's Punishment System (Hardcover)

Jarrod Shanahan, Zhandarka Kurti, Reaktion Books, 出版日期: 2022/09/12, 系列: Field Notes
原價: HK$200.00 現售: HK$190
購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

eBook: On Decline: Stagnation, Nostalgia, and Why Every Year is the Worst One Ever (DRM EPUB)

Andrew Potter, Biblioasis, 出版日期: 2021/08/17, 系列: Field Notes
原價: HK$143.00 現售: HK$135.85
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eBook: On the Origin of the Deadliest Pandemic in 100 Years: An Investigation (DRM EPUB)

Elaine Dewar, Biblioasis, 出版日期: 2021/08/11, 系列: Field Notes
原價: HK$130.00 現售: HK$123.5
購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

eBook: On Property: Policing, Prisons, and the Call for Abolition (DRM EPUB)

Rinaldo Walcott, Biblioasis, 出版日期: 2021/02/02, 系列: Field Notes
原價: HK$143.00 現售: HK$135.85
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eBook: Smart Machines and Service Work: Automation in an Age of Stagnation (DRM EPUB)

Smith Jason E. Smith, Reaktion Books, 出版日期: 2020/12/09, 系列: Field Notes
原價: HK$260.00 現售: HK$247
購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

eBook: On Risk (DRM EPUB)

Mark Kingwell, Biblioasis, 出版日期: 2020/10/13, 系列: Field Notes
原價: HK$130.00 現售: HK$123.5
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eBook: No Home for You Here: A Memoir of Class and Culture (DRM EPUB)

Rensch Adam Theron-Lee Rensch, Reaktion Books, 出版日期: 2020/02/10, 系列: Field Notes
原價: HK$260.00 現售: HK$247
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eBook: Happy Future Is a Thing of the Past: The Greek Crisis and Other Disasters (DRM EPUB)

Roufos Pavlos Roufos, Reaktion Books, 出版日期: 2018/09/15, 系列: Field Notes
原價: HK$260.00 現售: HK$247
購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

eBook: Hinterland: America's New Landscape of Class and Conflict (DRM EPUB)

Neel Phil A. Neel, Reaktion Books, 出版日期: 2018/03/15, 系列: Field Notes
原價: HK$260.00 現售: HK$247
購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天





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