共有 41 項, 本頁顯示 31-41 項

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eBook: Before Social Anthropology: Essays on the History of British Anthropology (DRM PDF)

James Urry, Taylor and Francis, 出版日期: 2012/10/12, 系列: Studies in Anthropology and History
現售: HK$572
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eBook: Before Social Anthropology: Essays on the History of British Anthropology (DRM EPUB)

James Urry, Taylor and Francis, 出版日期: 2012/10/12, 系列: Studies in Anthropology and History
現售: HK$572
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eBook: Resplendent Sites, Discordant Voices: Sri Lankans and International Tourism (DRM PDF)

Malcolm Crick, Taylor and Francis, 出版日期: 2012/10/12, 系列: Studies in Anthropology and History
現售: HK$208
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eBook: Resplendent Sites, Discordant Voices: Sri Lankans and International Tourism (DRM EPUB)

Malcolm Crick, Taylor and Francis, 出版日期: 2012/10/12, 系列: Studies in Anthropology and History
現售: HK$208
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eBook: Narratives of Nation in the South Pacific (DRM EPUB)

Ton and Thomas Otto, Taylor and Francis, 出版日期: 2005/06/27, 系列: Studies in Anthropology and History
現售: HK$433
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eBook: Narratives of Nation in the South Pacific (DRM PDF)

Ton and Thomas Otto, Taylor and Francis, 出版日期: 2005/06/27, 系列: Studies in Anthropology and History
現售: HK$433
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A History of Curiosity: The Theory of Travel 1550-1800 (Paperback)

Justin Stagl, Harwood-Academic Publishers, 出版日期: 2002/01/31, 系列: Studies in Anthropology and History
現售: HK$644
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Nationalism and Ethnicity in a Hindu Kingdom: The Politics and Culture of Contemporary Nepal (Hardcover)

D. Gellner, J. Pfaff-Czarnecka, J. Whelpton, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 出版日期: 1997/10/28, 系列: Studies in Anthropology and History
現售: HK$1820
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eBook: Narratives of Nation in the South Pacific (DRM PDF)

Ton and Thomas Otto, Taylor and Francis, 出版日期: 1997/03/19, 系列: Studies in Anthropology and History
現售: HK$299
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eBook: Global Culture, Island Identity (DRM PDF)

Karen (University of Copenhagen) Fog Olwig, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 出版日期: 1996/02/09, 系列: Studies in Anthropology and History
現售: HK$390
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Time and the Work of Anthropology: Critical Essays 1971-1981 (Paperback)

Johanne Fabian, Harwood-Academic Publishers, 出版日期: 1992/01/30, 系列: Studies in Anthropology and History
現售: HK$756
購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

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