共有 88 項, 本頁顯示 61-88 項

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eBook: Legacy of Mega Events: Urban Transformations and Citizenship in Rio de Janeiro (DRM EPUB)

Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro, Filippo Bignami, Ana Paula Soares Carvalho, Humberto Meza, Niccolo Cu, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2020/11/26, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$1144
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eBook: Settlement of the Chonos Archipelago, Western Patagonia, Chile (DRM PDF)

Omar Reyes, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2020/10/19, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$1554
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eBook: Settlement of the Chonos Archipelago, Western Patagonia, Chile (DRM EPUB)

Omar Reyes, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2020/10/19, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$1554
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eBook: Indigenous Amazonia, Regional Development and Territorial Dynamics: Contentious Issues (DRM PDF)

Walter Leal Filho, Victor T. King, Ismar Borges de Lima, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2020/08/04, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$1684
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eBook: Latin America in Times of Global Environmental Change (DRM PDF)

Cristian Lorenzo, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2019/08/05, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$1164
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eBook: Latin America in Times of Global Environmental Change (DRM EPUB)

Cristian Lorenzo, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2019/08/05, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$1164
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eBook: Pilauco: A Late Pleistocene Archaeo-paleontological Site: Osorno, Northwestern Patagonia and Chile (DRM PDF)

Mario Pino, Giselle A. Astorga, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2019/07/26, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$969
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eBook: Pilauco: A Late Pleistocene Archaeo-paleontological Site: Osorno, Northwestern Patagonia and Chile (DRM EPUB)

Mario Pino, Giselle A. Astorga, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2019/07/26, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$969
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eBook: Violence in the Barrios of Caracas: Social Capital and the Political Economy of Venezuela (DRM PDF)

Daniel S. Leon, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2019/07/02, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$1034
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eBook: Violence in the Barrios of Caracas: Social Capital and the Political Economy of Venezuela (DRM EPUB)

Daniel S. Leon, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2019/07/02, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$1034
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eBook: Advances in Coastal Geoarchaeology in Latin America: Selected papers from the GEGAL Symposium at La Paloma, Uruguay (DRM EPUB)

Hugo Inda Ferrero, Felipe Garcia Rodriguez, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2019/06/03, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$1684
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eBook: Advances in Coastal Geoarchaeology in Latin America: Selected papers from the GEGAL Symposium at La Paloma, Uruguay (DRM PDF)

Hugo Inda Ferrero, Felipe Garcia Rodriguez, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2019/06/03, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$1684
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eBook: Power Struggles over the Post-neoliberal Social Security System Reforms in Venezuela and Ecuador (DRM PDF)

Ezequiel Luis Bistoletti, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2018/08/25, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$1164
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eBook: Power Struggles over the Post-neoliberal Social Security System Reforms in Venezuela and Ecuador (DRM EPUB)

Ezequiel Luis Bistoletti, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2018/08/25, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$1164
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eBook: Political Landscapes of the Late Intermediate Period in the Southern Andes : The Pukaras and Their Hinterlands (DRM PDF)

Alina Alvarez Larrain, Catriel Greco, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2018/04/18, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$1164
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eBook: Political Landscapes of the Late Intermediate Period in the Southern Andes : The Pukaras and Their Hinterlands (DRM EPUB)

Alina Alvarez Larrain, Catriel Greco, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2018/04/18, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$1164
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eBook: Geoethics In Latin America (DRM EPUB)

Rogelio Daniel Acevedo, Jesus Martinez Frias, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2018/03/24, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$1164
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eBook: Geoethics In Latin America (DRM PDF)

Rogelio Daniel Acevedo, Jesus Martinez Frias, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2018/03/24, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$1164
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eBook: Volcanic Landscapes and Associated Wetlands of Lowland Patagonia (DRM EPUB)

Elizabeth Mazzoni, Jorge Rabassa, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2018/01/10, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$1164
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eBook: Volcanic Landscapes and Associated Wetlands of Lowland Patagonia (DRM PDF)

Elizabeth Mazzoni, Jorge Rabassa, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2018/01/10, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$1164
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eBook: Latin American Heritage: Interdisciplinary Dialogues on Brazilian and Argentinian Case Studies (DRM EPUB)

Fabiana Lopes da Cunha, Marcilene dos Santos, Jorge Rabassa, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2017/07/28, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$585
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eBook: Latin American Heritage: Interdisciplinary Dialogues on Brazilian and Argentinian Case Studies (DRM PDF)

Fabiana Lopes da Cunha, Marcilene dos Santos, Jorge Rabassa, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2017/07/28, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$585
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eBook: Fossil Horses of South America: Phylogeny, Systemics and Ecology (DRM EPUB)

Jose Luis Prado, Maria Teresa Alberdi, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2017/04/25, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$585
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eBook: Fossil Horses of South America: Phylogeny, Systemics and Ecology (DRM PDF)

Jose Luis Prado, Maria Teresa Alberdi, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2017/04/25, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$585
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eBook: Urban Transformations in Rio de Janeiro: Development, Segregation, and Governance (DRM EPUB)

Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2017/04/18, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$1164
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eBook: Urban Transformations in Rio de Janeiro: Development, Segregation, and Governance (DRM PDF)

Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2017/04/18, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$1164
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eBook: Pre-Inca and Inca Pottery: Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (DRM EPUB)

Agustina Scaro, Clarisa Otero, Maria Beatriz Cremonte, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2017/03/20, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$585
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eBook: Pre-Inca and Inca Pottery: Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (DRM PDF)

Agustina Scaro, Clarisa Otero, Maria Beatriz Cremonte, Springer International Publishing, 出版日期: 2017/03/20, 系列: The Latin American Studies Book Series
現售: HK$585
購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

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