Autobiography (2 ed) (Hardcover)
作者: Linda Anderson 
系列: The New Critical Idiom
分類: Biography: general ,
Literary theory ,
Literary studies: general  
書城編號: 23916822

售價: $1358.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Taylor & Francis Ltd
出版日期: 2010/11/26
頁數: 166
尺寸: 137 x 198 x 18 mm
重量: 286 grams
ISBN: 9780415572132
>> 相關電子書

If every writer necessarily draws on their own life, is any writing outside the realm of 'autobiography'? This guide includes developments in autobiographical criticism, highlighting major theoretical issues and concepts different forms of the genre. It offers an introduction to the study of a fascinating genre.
The New Critical Idiom

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eBook: Metafiction (DRM PDF)

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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Linda Anderson 作者作品表

Remembering Uncle Dave (Paperback)

Station Before (Paperback)

Contemporary Poetry Archive (Hardcover)

Cuckoo (Paperback)

Female Lines (Hardcover)

eBook: Over the Moon: A Love Story to Treasure . . . a Stunning Debut Filled with Heart-Stopping Passion." -Meryl Sawyer, Author of Promise Me Anythin

eBook: Miracle Letters of Love: An Intimate Glimpse of God Turning Two Hearts into One (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Secrets of Sadie Maynard (DRM EPUB)

eBook: When Night Falls: Finding Peace Can Be Deadly.... (DRM EPUB)

Elizabeth Bishop (Paperback)

eBook: Libertad Del Temor: Una Guia Paso a Paso Para La Libertad Y La Victoria (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Autobiography (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Autobiography (DRM PDF)

Autobiography (Paperback)

Autobiography (2 ed) (Hardcover)

Writing Fiction (Paperback)

Creative Writing: A Workbook with Readings (Hardcover)

Creative Writing (Paperback)

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