Handbook of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering (Paperback)
作者: Saravanan Krishnan 
分類: Computational linguistics ,
Biomedical engineering ,
Biology, life sciences ,
Automatic control engineering ,
Environmental science, engineering & technology ,
Information technology: general issues ,
Artificial intelligence ,
Educational: Sciences, general science  
書城編號: 24709966

售價: $1162.00

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出版社: Alpel Pub (pq)
出版日期: 2022/10/01
ISBN: 9781774637616
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Handbook of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering focuses on recent AI technologies and applications that provide some very promising solutions and enhanced technology in the biomedical field. Recent advancements in computational techniques, such as machine learning, Internet of Things (IoT), and big data, accelerate the deployment of biomedical devices in various healthcare applications.

This volume explores how artificial intelligence (AI) can be applied to these expert systems by mimicking the human expert's knowledge in order to predict and monitor the health status in real time. The accuracy of the AI systems is drastically increasing by using machine learning, digitized medical data acquisition, wireless medical data communication, and computing infrastructure AI approaches, helping to solve complex issues in the biomedical industry and playing a vital role in future healthcare applications.

The volume takes a multidisciplinary perspective of employing these new applications in biomedical engineering, exploring the combination of engineering principles with biological knowledge that contributes to the development of revolutionary and life-saving concepts.

Saravanan Krishnan 作者作品表

Internet of Medical Things in Smart Healthcare: Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Scenario (Hardcover)

Predictive Analytics in Smart Agriculture (Hardcover)

Internet of Drones: Applications, Opportunities, and Challenges (Hardcover)

Green Blockchain Technology for Sustainable Smart Cities (Paperback)

Handbook of Research on Blockchain Technology (Paperback)

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