Preventing Child Maltreatment in the Us: The Latinx Community Perspective (Hardcover)
作者: Esther J. Calzada 
分類: Social & cultural history ,
Violence in society ,
Child abuse ,
Ethnic studies ,
Age groups: children ,
Social welfare & social services ,
Coping with personal problems  
書城編號: 23735437

售價: $1500.00

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出版社: Rutgers Univ Pr
出版日期: 2022/09/16
ISBN: 9781978822894
>> 相關電子書

This book is part of a concentrated series of books that examines child maltreatment across cultural groups. Specifically, this volume examines core concepts relevant to Latinx families (e.g., familismo, acculturation, spirituality, oppression) as they relate to child maltreatment in the United States. While there are vast differences across Latinx families, authors use critical race and feminist theories to explore the impact of differences based on gender, race, immigration status, and country of origin. The book begins by contextualizing child maltreatment in Latinx families within the pervasive structural racism and inequality in the United States and addressing unique traumas experienced by Latinx families resulting from that inequity. Subsequent chapters address prevention of child maltreatment, responses to maltreatment and healing from trauma with an emphasis on resilience within the Latinx community. Three case studies are used to illustrate and apply concepts from each chapter.
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