The Boss in You (paperback)
作者: Niya Brown Matthews 
書城編號: 1006422

原價: HK$150.00
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出版社: Niya Brown Matthews
出版日期: 2015/06/18
重量: 0.16 kg
ISBN: 9780996216562

In this book, Niya Brown Matthews will teach you how to think like a boss, how to manage your professional and personal life, and stand out in the workplace as well as everywhere you go. Going from nothing to great success in her own life, and overcoming challenges such as breast cancer and more, Niya delivers life-changing tips and strategies for improving your life and finding the success you want. Let Niya bring out...the boss in you.
Niya Brown Matthews 作者作品表

The Boss in You (paperback)

eBook: Boss In You (DRM EPUB)

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