Village (Paperback)
作者: John Strausbaugh 
書城編號: 1024631

原價: HK$180.00
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出版社: Harper Collins World
出版日期: 2014/08/26
尺寸: 203x135x27mm
重量: 0.53 kg
ISBN: 9780062078216


Cultural commentator John Strausbaugh's The Village is the first complete history of Greenwich Village, the prodigiously influential and infamous New York City neighborhood.

From the Dutch settlers and Washington Square patricians, to the Triangle Shirtwaist fire and Prohibition-era speakeasies; from Abstract Expressionism and beatniks, to Stonewall and AIDS, the connecting narratives of The Village tell the story of America itself.

Illustrated with historic black-and-white photographs, The Village features lively, well-researched profiles of many of the people who made Greenwich Village famous, including Thomas Paine, Walt Whitman, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Mark Twain, Margaret Sanger, Eugene O'Neill, Marcel Duchamp, Upton Sinclair, Willa Cather, Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Jackson Pollock, Anais Nin, Edward Albee, Charlie Parker, W. H. Auden, Woody Guthrie, James Baldwin, Maurice Sendak, E. E. Cummings, and Bob Dylan.

John Strausbaugh 作者作品表

The Wrong Stuff: How the Soviet Space Program Crashed and Burned (Hardcover)

Victory City: A History of New York and New Yorkers During World War II (paperback)

City of Sedition (Hardcover)

Village (Paperback)

eBook: Black Like You (DRM EPUB)

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