Evolution of Plants (Paperback)
作者: Kathy Willis 
分類: Evolution ,
Botany & plant sciences  
書城編號: 1037281

售價: $812.00

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出版社: Oxford University Press
出版日期: 2014/02/19
尺寸: 0x0x0mm
重量: 0.91 kg
ISBN: 9780199292233

Plants first colonized the land over 430 million years ago, having evolved from some of the most primitive forms of life. Since then, plants have played a major role in supplying the atmospheric oxygen we all need to survive. But how did plants evolve, how has their distribuion and diversity been affected by changes in climate over millions of years - and how can these processes be studied?

The Evolution of Plants blends evidence from the fossil record and data from biomolecular studies to tell the story of plant evolution from the earliest forms of life to the present day. Focusing on the key events during the evolution of plants - from the colonization of land to the first forests, the emergence of seed plants to the evolution of flowering plants - its straightforward explanations and clear illustrations provide the reader with the most accessible introduction to plant evolution available.

With stunning biome maps illustrating the global distribution of plants during the different periods of life on Earth, the book explains how the diversity of vegetation has changed in response to climate, reinforcing the close link between climate change and the process of biological evolution.

It is a contemporary account of a dynamic field, which is perfect for any student looking for a broad, balanced introduction to the subject.

Online Resource Centre
The Online Resource Centre to accompany The Evolution of Plants features
- figures from the book in electronic format, for use by registered adopters;
- Journal Clubs, which encourage students to critically evaluate and engage with published research related to topics explored in the book

Kathy Willis 作者作品表

Good Nature: The New Science of How Nature Improves Our Health (Paperback)

Good Nature: Why Seeing, Smelling, Hearing, and Touching Plants Is Good for Our Health (Hardcover)

Botanicum Postcard Box Set

eBook: Good Nature: The New Science of How Nature Improves Our Health (DRM EPUB)

Good Nature: The New Science of How Nature Improves Our Health (Paperback)

eBook: Good Nature: The New Science of How Nature Improves Our Health (DRM PDF)

Good Nature: The New Science of How Nature Improves Our Health (Hardcover)

Botanicum (Mini Gift Edition) (Hardcover)

Botanicum Poster Book (Hardcover)

Botanicum Activity Book (Paperback)

Botanicum (Hardcover)

Plants: From Roots to Riches (Paperback)

Plants: From Roots to Riches (Hardcover)

Evolution of Plants (Paperback)

Evolution of Plants (Paperback)

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