Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Mysticism (Paperback)
作者: Samuel Fanous 
分類: Literary studies: classical, early & medieval ,
Medieval history ,
Theology ,
Mysticism ,
書城編號: 1062632

售價: $364.00

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出版社: Cambridge University Press
出版日期: 2011/05/12
尺寸: 228x152x16mm
重量: 530 grams
ISBN: 9780521618649

The widespread view that 'mystical' activity in the Middle Ages was a rarefied enterprise of a privileged spiritual elite has led to isolation of the medieval 'mystics' into a separate, narrowly defined category. Taking the opposite view, this book shows how individual mystical experience, such as those recorded by Julian of Norwich and Margery Kempe, is rooted in, nourished and framed by the richly distinctive spiritual contexts of the period. Arranged by sections corresponding to historical developments, it explores the primary vernacular texts, their authors, and the contexts that formed the expression and exploration of mystical experiences in medieval England. This is an excellent, insightful introduction to medieval English mystical texts, their authors, readers and communities. Featuring a guide to further reading and a chronology, the Companion offers an accessible overview for students of literature, history and theology.
Samuel Fanous 作者作品表

Epitaphs (Hardcover)

A Barrel of Monkeys: A Compendium of Collective Nouns for Animals (hardcover)

Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Mysticism (Paperback)

Life of Christina of Markyate (Paperback)

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