Caribbean Dream (Paperback)
作者: Rachel Isadora 
書城編號: 1069130

原價: HK$80.00
現售: HK$76 節省: HK$4

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出版日期: 2002/07/08
尺寸: 254x203x7mm
重量: 0.11 kg
ISBN: 9780698119444

Where does sea meet sky?
Where does sound meet color?
Where does song meet soul?

Here is a place where children run, splash, and sing, on an island in the West Indies, in a world that is nothing short of magical. Rachel Isadora's glowing watercolors and lyrical, evocative text celebrate the things that make the Caribbean a very special home.

"The poetic text encourages the reader to visualize the meeting of the waves and the sand, wind and hill, song and soul, and to imagine the activities that follow." (The Horn Book)

"Isadora's pictures move and sway like a Caribbean breeze." (Booklist)

Rachel Isadora 作者作品表

Do I Have to Wear a Coat? (hardcover)

I Hear a Pickle: And Smell, See, Touch, & Taste It, Too! (hardcover)

Say Hello! (Hardcover)

There Was a Tree (hardcover)

Bea at Ballet (hardcover)

The 12 Days of Christmas

Say Hello!

The Twelve Dancing Princesses

The Night Before Christmas

The Princess and the Pea (paperback)

Caribbean Dream (Paperback)

Bring on that Beat (B-HC Picture bk)

Sophie Skates (B-HC Picture bk)

Caribbean Dream (B-HC Picture bk)

Lili Backstage (B-HC Picture bk)

The Steadfast Tin Soldier (B-HC Picture bk)

Lili on Stage (B-HC Picture bk)

My Ballet Diary (B-HC Picture bk)

Lili at Ballet (B-HC Picture bk)

Ben's Trumpet (paperback)

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