Does the Richness of the Few Benefit Us All? (Hardcover)
作者: Zygmunt Bauman 
分類: Social discrimination & inequality ,
書城編號: 1074542

售價: $560.00

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出版社: Wiley-Blackwell
出版日期: 2013/07/05
尺寸: 0x0x0mm
ISBN: 9780745671086

It is commonly assumed that the best way to help the poor out of their misery is to allow the rich to get richer, that if the rich pay less taxes then all the rest of us will be better off, and that in the final analysis the richness of the few benefits us all. And yet these commonly held beliefs are flatly contradicted by our daily experience, an abundance of research findings and, indeed, logic. Such bizarre discrepancy between hard facts and popular opinions makes one pause and ask: why are these opinions so widespread and resistant to accumulated and fast-growing evidence to the contrary?

This short book is by one of the world's leading social thinkers is an attempt to answer this question. Bauman lists and scrutinizes the tacit assumptions and unreflected-upon convictions upon which such opinions are grounded, finding them one by one to be false, deceitful and misleading. Their persistence could be hardly sustainable were it not for the role they play in defending - indeed, promoting and reinforcing - the current, unprecedented, indefensible and still accelerating growth in social inequality and the rapidly widening gap between the elite of the rich and the rest of society.
Zygmunt Bauman 作者作品表

Theory and Society: Selected Writings (Paperback)

Theory and Society: Selected Writings (Hardcover)

eBook: La sociedad sitiada (DRM EPUB)

Born Liquid (Paperback)

Sketches in the Theory of Culture (Paperback)

eBook: Europa (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Chronicle of Crisis: 2011 - 2016 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Retrotopia (DRM EPUB)

Retrotopia (Paperback)

eBook: Strangers at Our Door (DRM EPUB)

Strangers at Our Door (Hardcover)

Strangers at Our Door (Paperback)

Babel (Hardcover)

Babel (Paperback)

In Praise of Literature (Paperback)

In Praise of Literature (Hardcover)

Management in a Liquid Modern World (paperback)

Management in a Liquid Modern World (Hardcover)

On the World and Ourselves (Paperback)

On the World and Ourselves (Hardcover)

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