Grasping Gallipoli (Paperback)
作者: Peter Chasseaud 
分類: European history ,
20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000 ,
First World War ,
Battles & campaigns ,
c 1914 to c 1918 (including WW1) ,
書城編號: 1077599

原價: HK$280.00
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出版社: The History Press
出版日期: 2015/06/01
尺寸: 234x156x30mm
重量: 0.57 kg
ISBN: 9780750962261
>> 相關電子書

The failure of the Gallipoli campaign was instantly blamed on a great untruth--that the War Office was unprepared. This book, incorporating information unavailable elsewhere, shows that in fact the WO and the Admiralty had amassed a huge amount of data. Aerial reconnaissance had played a part--even Lawrence of Arabia had done his bit The War Office knew all about Greek plans to capture the peninsula, and one plan was even Anglo-Greek. The authors examine all the intelligence and how it was used or ignored and in the process, in the words of the late Richard Holmes, they "illuminate a wildly beautiful landscape, which never fails to charm and shock me in equal measure."
Peter Chasseaud 作者作品表

Rats Alley: Trench Names of the Western Front, 1914–1918 (New ed) (Paperback)

The Times Second World War: The History of the Global Conflict from 1939 to 1945 (Hardcover)

Rats Alley (Hardcover)

eBook: Rats Alley: Trench Names of the Western Front, 1914-1918 (DRM EPUB)

Mapping the Second World War: The History of the War Through Maps from 1939 to 1945 (Hardcover)

Grasping Gallipoli (Paperback)

eBook: Mapping the First World War (DRM EPUB)

Rats' Alley (Hardcover)

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