World Gone Social (Hardcover)
作者: Ted Coine 
書城編號: 1084701

原價: HK$250.00
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出版社: Amacom
出版日期: 2014/09/17
尺寸: 236x158x25mm
重量: 0.53 kg
ISBN: 9780814433263
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Amazingly, what started out as an opportunity to link friends and to find out who's dating who has since made a meteor-like impact on the business world, and its ongoing effects throughout every single aspect of doing business cannot be overestimated. The world as we know it has changed forever. And it's not going back A World Gone Social offers an eye-opening look at fundamental and powerful changes the social collaboration era has set in motion: - Customers now have the power--just watch what happens as more realize it - Command-and-control leadership is now so inefficient, it is a liability.- Nimble and small is the new competitive advantage.- Recruiting is now a two-way proposition, with job seekers able to peek behind the corporate curtain.- Relationship and community-building is how customers are brand ambassadors are won--and retained.- Active engagement with partners, employees, and customers is no longer a luxury but a requirement.But this invaluable resource for any business wishing to remain relevant in this Social Revolution doesn't stop with simply pointing out the changes that have evolved in recent years. More importantly, it provides critical guidance for navigating today's customer-driven, ultra-transparent, constantly evolving environment. With compelling stories and concrete examples of companies demonstrating enlightened business practices and doing Social right--and some that are not--readers will be able to learn from others' experiences and discover how to objectively assess their own company's culture and social presence. The world has gone social . . . don't get left behind
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