Secret to Peak Productivity (Paperback)
作者: Tamara Myles 
書城編號: 1084724

原價: HK$190.00
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出版社: Amacom
出版日期: 2014/02/06
尺寸: 231x154x16mm
重量: 0.36 kg
ISBN: 9780814433850
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Certified Professional Organizer (CPO(R)) and productivity expert Tamara Myles has developed a simple model--the Productivity Pyramid--that provides an actionable framework for anyone to achieve better results.

Increasing productivity is a nonnegotiable for any business that wants to survive, let alone thrive, in today's climate. The problem is, there is no simple, single, plug-and-play solution that will work for anyone. The industries are too varied, technology is updating too rapidly, and customers are too inconsistent.

Based on a sequence of steps leading to peak performance, the author's easily adaptable system consists of five levels:

  • Physical Organization: from decluttering to filing-fool-proof strategies for handling incoming papers and ensuring information remains accessible
  • Electronic Organization: from dealing with email to electronic file management options such as cloud computing
  • Time Management: mastering the three P's-Plan, Prioritize, and Perform
  • Activity-Goal Alignment: breaking objectives into specific, relevant, and measurable daily tasks
  • Possibility: identifying new life and business goals that will help you reach your greatest potential

After a quick assessment to determine your strengths and weaknesses and to pinpoint where to focus most for immediate results, the framework will then provide a range of potential strategies, allowing you to discover your own individualized Secret to Peak Productivity!

Tamara Myles 作者作品表

Secret to Peak Productivity (Paperback)

eBook: Secret to Peak Productivity: A Simple Guide to Reaching Your Personal Best (DRM PDF)

eBook: Secret to Peak Productivity: A Simple Guide to Reaching Your Personal Best (DRM EPUB)

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