Think Agile: How Smart Entrepreneurs Adapt in Order to Succe (Hardcover)
作者: Taffy Williams 
書城編號: 1084738

原價: HK$230.00
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出版社: Amacom
出版日期: 2014/11/19
尺寸: 236x162x27mm
重量: 0.48 kg
ISBN: 9780814434307
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In today's constantly changing business environment, the question is not if any unexpected obstacles will try to derail your promising company, but when will they rear their ugly heads. Your biggest investor bails on you, having been lured away to the next new sure thing instead. A similar product is unveiled by a more established company. A key employee jumps ship to work for a competitor. When these obstacles--yes, plural --arrive, will you be able to shift strategies, products, and services on a time, if necessary? Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs lock themselves into one strategy, one product, one distribution method, and one way of thinking about their business. In doing so, they limit their potential and lower their chances of capitalizing on economic, industry, or market changes. Think Agile wants to help the entrepreneur both assess their level of flexibility and learn to be open-minded and option-oriented in key areas such as: - Funding sources- Launch timetables- Planning- Repurposing everything from products to people to names- And much moreFeaturing real-life case studies and invaluable tools, Think Agile is the indispensable guide every entrepreneur must have in order to self-evaluate and develop the undeniably essential skill of agility--the secret to surviving whatever tomorrow brings
Taffy Williams 作者作品表

Think Agile: How Smart Entrepreneurs Adapt in Order to Succe (Hardcover)

eBook: Think Agile: How Smart Entrepreneurs Adapt in Order to Succeed (DRM EPUB)

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