What to Do When You're New: How to be Comfortable, Confident (Paperback)
書城編號: 1084752

原價: HK$180.00
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出版社: Amacom
出版日期: 2015/09/30
尺寸: 228x154x22mm
重量: 0.34 kg
ISBN: 9780814434895
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Blending stories and insights with simple techniques and exercises, this invaluable guide for the introvert will get you out of your comfort zone and trying new things in no time.

Whether you're changing jobs, joining a group, or moving to a new city, putting yourself out there in new situations is no picnic. Being forced to introduce yourself, having to ask questions among strangers, learning expectations of those around you--it's not fun for anyone! However, when we let our worries stop us from getting familiar with our surroundings and learning the dos and don'ts of our new environment, we seriously hinder our progress, joy, and the opportunities that await us.

In What to Do When You're New, you can discover the necessary skills to learn how to:

  • Overcome fears
  • Make great first impressions
  • Talk to strangers with ease
  • Get up to speed quickly
  • Connect with people wherever you go

This book combines the author's research and firsthand experience from having to adjust to a job transfer to Japan with that of leading scientists to explain why we are so uneasy in new situations--and how we can learn to become more confident and successful newcomers.

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