Scorecard Solution: Measure What Matters and Drive Sustainab (Hardcover)
作者: Dan King 
書城編號: 1084753

原價: HK$300.00
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出版社: Amacom
出版日期: 2015/01/14
尺寸: 237x162x29mm
重量: 0.57 kg
ISBN: 9780814434925
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There's no such thing as a healthy plateau. In today's high-pressure environment, simply "making the numbers" is no longer enough to remain competitive. Instead, exceeding expectations, raising the already high bar, and achieving more than others thought possible is the new path toward sustaining success. But doing so is certainly easier said than done It requires a clear and objective view of the business and the ability to analyze appropriately the dimensions of talent, strategy, and execution in order to produce a baseline score to work from. Knowing that even the most courageous and objective leader can't steer a ship in the dark, The Scorecard Solution is the solution for getting one started on this necessary task for every company's long-lasting success. By learning how to use a data-centric tool--the Organizational Prowess Scorecard(TM)-- that precisely measures the capabilities needed for sustainable growth, readers will then understand better how to: - Position the organization to meet ambitious goals- Bring strategies to life through an execution framework- Design a dashboard to track progress and flag problems- Foster a winning culture- And moreIs your enterprise Agile? Resilient? Vulnerable? Lagging? This invaluable one-of-a-kind resource gives you the answers you need so that you can chart your company's course for rapid change--and outperform the competition every time.
Dan King 作者作品表

Christmas at Station 17 (Hardcover)

The Strength Behind the Bravest Chaplains in the Fire Service (Hardcover)

The Life and Times of Thomas Wilson Dorr (Paperback)

The Life and Times of Thomas Wilson Dorr (Hardcover)

The Life and Times of Thomas Wilson Dorr, With Outlines of the Political History of Rhode Island (Paperback)

The Life and Times of Thomas Wilson Dorr, With Outlines of the Political History of Rhode Island (Hardcover)

eBook: Scorecard Solution: Measure What Matters and Drive Sustainable Growth (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Scorecard Solution: Measure What Matters and Drive Sustainable Growth (DRM PDF)

Scorecard Solution: Measure What Matters and Drive Sustainab (Hardcover)

eBook: Power of Belief (DRM EPUB)

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