Win the Customer: 70 Simple Rules for Sensational Service (Hardcover)
書城編號: 1084767

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出版社: Amacom
出版日期: 2015/09/23
尺寸: 222x152x27mm
重量: 0.43 kg
ISBN: 9780814436240
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Your prices can be beat. Your product can be improved upon. Your service is provided by others. But one key aspect about your company that cannot be duplicated or outdone is the unique, outstanding customer service experience that you continually provide for your customers. In Win the Customer, companies can learn practical, powerful techniques for energizing the way they interact with the people who drive their business, distinguishing themselves from the competition by providing their customers with something truly special. Author and vice president of operations Flavio Martin, named by the Huffington Post as a "most influential social customer service pro," fills his invaluable guide with examples and inspiration in order to show readers how to: - Align the business around a customer service mission- Make every employee a customer service agent- Create an environment in which exceptional service experiences can happen- Humanize customer service, virtually and in person- Empower employees to find innovative solutions- All the random acts of WOW--they're often the most memorable- And much moreProducts and prices can only get you in the door with new customers. But exceptional customer service will keep them lifelong fans. Win the Customer is your guidebook for building your fan base
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