Rebirth of the Clinic (Paperback)
作者: Cindy Patton 
分類: Urban communities ,
History of medicine  
書城編號: 1084970

售價: $255.00

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出版日期: 2010/11/09
尺寸: 216x140x15mm
重量: 249 grams
ISBN: 9780816670192

From physical location to payment processes to expectations of both patients and caregivers, nearly everything surrounding the contemporary medical clinic's central activity has changed since Michel Foucualt's Birth of the Clinic. Indebted to that work, but recognizing the gap between what the modern clinic hoped to be and what it has become, Rebirth of the Clinic explores medical practices that shed light on the fraught relationship between medical systems, practitioners, and patients.
Combining theory, history, and ethnography, the contributors to this volume ground today's clinic in a larger scheme of power relations, identifying the cultural, political, and economic pressures that frame clinical relationships, including the instrumentalist definition of health, actuarial-based medical practices, and patient self-help movements, which simultaneously hem in and create the conditions under which agents creatively change ideas of illness and treatment.
From threatened community health centers in poor African American locales to innovative nursing practices among the marginally housed citizens of Canada's poorest urban neighborhood, this volume addresses not just the who, what, where, and how of place-specific clinical practices, but also sets these local experiences against a theoretical backdrop that links them to the power of modern medicine in shaping fundamental life experiences.
Contributors: Christine Ceci, U of Alberta; Lisa Diedrich, Stony Brook U; Suzanne Fraser, Monash U; John Liesch, Simon Fraser U; Jenna Loyd, CUNY; Annemarie Mol, U of Amsterdam; Mary Ellen Purkis, U of Victoria.
Cindy Patton 作者作品表

eBook: L.A. Plays Itself/Boys in the Sand: A Queer Film Classic (DRM PDF)

eBook: L.A. Plays Itself/Boys in the Sand: A Queer Film Classic (DRM EPUB)

Rebirth of the Clinic (Paperback)

Rebirth of the Clinic: Places and Agents in Contemporary Health Care (Hardcover)

Cinematic Identity: Anatomy of a Problem Film (Hardcover)

eBook: Last Served?: Gendering the HIV Pandemic (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Last Served?: Gendering the HIV Pandemic (DRM PDF)

Globalizing Aids (Hardcover)

eBook: Last Served?: Gendering the HIV Pandemic (DRM PDF)

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