Supermarine Spitfire Restoration Manual: An insight into building, restoring and returning Spitfires to the skies (Hardcover)
作者: Paul Blackah, Louise Blackah 
書城編號: 1087162

原價: HK$350.00
現售: HK$332.5 節省: HK$17.5

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出版社: J H Haynes & Co Ltd
出版日期: 2014/02
尺寸: 270x210x14mm
重量: 0.86 kg
ISBN: 9780857332240


The Spitfire remains one of the most iconic combat aircrafts of all time and to own an airworthy example of this classic fighter is the Holy Grail for many wealthy Warbird collectors. For an aircraft that first flew more than 70 years ago and which went out of production in the early 1950s, it may seem odd to discover that there is a flourishing industry centered on this aircraft in the 21st century. Scratch-building brand new Spitfires or restoring original examples to airworthy condition has become big business, with aircrafts changing hands for several million dollars apiece. Husband and wife author team Paul and Louise Blackah look into what is required to find a Spitfire that's suitable for restoration and then return it to the skies. With Paul's vast experience in restoring and maintaining the RAF BBMF's Spitfires, and both Paul and Louise's contacts in the aircraft restoration community, this promises to be a unique look inside the world of Spitfire building and restoration in the 21st century.

Paul Blackah 作者作品表

Hawker Hurricane Manual (Paperback)

Douglas DC-3 Dakota Manual (Hardcover)

Hawker Hurricane Manual (Hardcover)

Louise Blackah 作者作品表

eBook: Lincoln in the Great War (DRM EPUB)

Lincoln in the Great War (Paperback)

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