Raf Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight (hardcover)
作者: Keith Wilson 
書城編號: 1087230

原價: HK$400.00
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出版社: J H Haynes & Co Ltd
出版日期: 2015/03
尺寸: 270x210x19mm
重量: 0.75 kg
ISBN: 9780857335166


Behind the scenes at the RAF's premier classic aircraft display flight The world famous RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (RAF BBMF) operates five Spitfires, two Hurricanes, a Lancaster and a Dakota, which perform at flying displays all over Britain during the summer season. Photographer Keith Wilson has been granted full official access to 'the Flight' to give readers a unique behind-the-scenes 'how it's done' look at all its activities - from the aircraft and their crews, to ground crews and support staff, and from air display planning to major overhauls of the aircraft.

Keith Wilson 作者作品表

RAF in Camera: 1960s (Paperback)

Wildlife Photographer of the Year: Highlights Volume 10: Volume 10 (Paperback)

eBook: RAF Training Command: A Pictorial History (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Life Form: a novel of medical suspense (DRM EPUB)

RAF Coastal Command (Paperback)

RAF in Camera: 100 Years on Display (Hardcover)

eBook: RAF Coastal Command: A Pictorial History (DRM EPUB)

eBook: PLUNDER: A Dr. Brett Carson Thriller (DRM EPUB)

RAF Air-to-Air Refuelling (Paperback)

eBook: RAF Air-to-Air Refuelling: A Pictorial History (DRM EPUB)

Blackburn Buccaneer Manual (Hardcover)

eBook: RAF in 100 Pictures: A Pictorial History (DRM EPUB)

RAF in 100 Pictures (Paperback)

RAF in Camera: 1970s (Hardcover)

Royal Flying (Paperback)

eBook: Royal Flying: A Pictorial History (DRM EPUB)

RAF Transport Command (Paperback)

eBook: RAF Transport Command: A Pictorial History (DRM EPUB)

Vickers/BOAC VC10 Manual (Hardcover)

RAF in Camera: 1960s (Hardcover)

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