New Constitutionalism and World Order (Hardcover)
作者: Stephen Gill 
分類: Sociology ,
Politics & government ,
International relations ,
International organisations & institutions  
書城編號: 1095234

售價: $1470.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Cambridge University Press
出版日期: 2014/02/06
尺寸: 228x152x32mm
重量: 694 grams
ISBN: 9781107053694

This path-breaking collection analyses the dialectic between legal and constitutional innovations intended to inscribe corporate power and market disciplines in world order, and the potential for challenges and alternative frameworks of governance to emerge. It provides a comprehensive approach to neo-liberal constitutionalism and regulation and limits to policy autonomy of states, and how this disciplines populations according to the intensifying demands of corporations and market forces in global market civilization. Contributors examine global and local public policy challenges and consider if the ongoing crises of capitalism and world order offer states and societies opportunities to challenge this loss of policy autonomy and potentially to refashion world order. Integrating approaches to governance and world order from both leading and emerging scholars, this is an innovative, indispensable source for policy-makers, civil society organizations, professionals and students in law, politics, economics, sociology, philosophy and international relations.
Stephen Gill 作者作品表

William Wordsworth: A Life (2 Revised edition) (Hardcover)

eBook: William Wordsworth: A Life (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Globalization, Democratization and Multilateralism (DRM PDF)

New Constitutionalism and World Order (Hardcover)

William Wordsworth (Paperback)

Wordsworth's Revisitings (Hardcover)

eBook: Wordsworth's Revisitings (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Wordsworth's Revisitings (DRM PDF)

Global Crises and the Crisis of Global Leadership (Paperback)

Coming Up for Air (Hardcover)

eBook: William Wordsworth: 21st-Century Oxford Authors (DRM PDF)

Developing a Learning Culture in Nonprofit Organizations (Paperback)

Bright, Bright Day

Cambridge Companion to Wordsworth (Paperback)

Gramsci, Historical Materialism and International Relations (Paperback)

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