Cultural Exchange in Early Modern Europe (Paperback)
作者: Heinz Schilling 
分類: European history ,
Early modern history: c 1450/1500 to c 1700 ,
Social & cultural history ,
Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography ,
c 1500 to c 1600 ,
書城編號: 1096110

售價: $630.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Cambridge University Press
出版日期: 2013/01/17
尺寸: 0x0x0mm
ISBN: 9781107412811

Religious beliefs, their practice and expression, were fundamental to the cultural fabric of early modern Europe. They were representations of belonging, identity, power and social meaning. In the era of Europe's reformations and subsequent confessionalizations coinciding with its first colonial empires and its conflictual relations with other faiths on its eastern borderlands, this volume, first published in 2007, examines the role of religion as a vehicle for cultural conflict, cohabitation and cultural exchange. Essays by leading historians show the complexity and diversity of the processes of religious differentiation that contributed to the making of modern Europe, with case studies ranging from Transylvania and Lithuania to Spain and Portugal and from Italy to England. The volume will appeal to scholars in early modern European history, history of religion, as well as social and cultural history.
Heinz Schilling 作者作品表

Martin Luther: Rebel in an Age of Upheaval (Hardcover)

eBook: Der Reformator Martin Luther 2017: Eine wissenschaftliche und gedenkpolitische Bestandsaufnahme (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Der Reformator Martin Luther 2017: Eine wissenschaftliche und gedenkpolitische Bestandsaufnahme (DRM PDF)

Cultural Exchange in Early Modern Europe (Paperback)

eBook: Die Stadt in der Fruhen Neuzeit (DRM PDF)

Fruhneuzeitliche Bildungsgeschichte Der Reformierten in Konfessionsvergleichender Perspektive: Schulwesen, Lesekultur Und Wissenschaft (Paperback)

Ausgewahlte Abhandlungen Zur Europaischen Reformations- Und Konfessionsgeschichte (Paperback)

Kirchenzucht Und Sozialdisziplinierung Im Fruhneuzeitlichen Europa: (Mit Einer Auswahlbibliographie) (Paperback)

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