George Eliot in Context (Paperback)
作者: Margaret Harris 
分類: Literary studies: c 1800 to c 1900 ,
Literary studies: fiction, novelists & prose writers  
書城編號: 1096665

售價: $336.00

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出版社: Cambridge University Press
出版日期: 2015/05/21
尺寸: 229x152x19mm
重量: 490 grams
ISBN: 9781107527423

George Eliot has always challenged her readers. Prodigiously learned, alive to the massive social changes of her time, defiant of many Victorian orthodoxies, she is at once chronicler and analyst, novelist of nostalgia and monumental thinker. In her great novel Middlemarch she writes of 'that tempting range of relevancies called the universe'. This volume identifies a range of 'relevancies' that form the various contexts - of her time, and of our own - pertinent to understanding and in the fullest sense appreciating George Eliot. The dimensions of her achievement are illuminated by cogent essays on particular facets of the many contexts - historical, intellectual, political, social, cultural - that inform her work. In addition there are discussions of her critical history and legacy, as well as of the material conditions of production and distribution of her work. Here is George Eliot in the twenty-first century.
Margaret Harris 作者作品表

The Full Story of Andy Moog: An Inspirational Story of a Hockey Icon Who Became a Pillar of Success and Stability in Net (Paperback)

The Beginner's Guide to Sewing Your Step-by-Step Roadmap to Sewing Success. Master this Art with Confidence and Learn the Ropes, Tackle Projects, and

Antipodean George Eliot (Paperback)

Antipodean George Eliot (Hardcover)

George Eliot in Context (Paperback)

Student's Guide to Developmental Psychology (Paperback)

George Eliot in Context (Hardcover)

eBook: Language Experience and Early Language Development: From Input to Uptake (DRM PDF)

eBook: Language Experience and Early Language Development: From Input to Uptake (DRM EPUB)

Too Cool for School, Hammy the Wonder Hamster! (Paperback)

Exploring Developmental Psychology (Paperback)

eBook: Exploring Developmental Psychology: Understanding Theory and Methods (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Exploring Developmental Psychology: Understanding Theory and Methods (DRM PDF)

Journals of George Eliot (Paperback)

Voluntary Agencies (Paperback)

Principles of Developmental Psychology (Paperback)

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