Positive Psychology and Change - How Leadership, Collaboration and Appreciative Inquiry Create Transformational Results (Hardcover)
作者: Sarah Lewis 
分類: Psychology  
書城編號: 1099955

售價: $391.00

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出版社: Wiley-Blackwell
出版日期: 2016/04/29
尺寸: 210x150x22mm
重量: 381 grams
ISBN: 9781118788844
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Positive Psychology and Change explores how areas of positive psychology such as strengths, flow, and psychological capital can be applied to the everyday challenges of leading a dynamic and adaptive work community, and how collaborative group approaches to transformational change can be combined with a positive mindset to maintain optimism and motivation in an unpredictable working environment.

  • Articulates a unique vision for organizational leadership in the 21st century that combines positive psychology, Appreciative Inquiry (AI), and collaborative group technologies
  • Focuses on four specific co-creative approaches (Appreciative Inquiry, Open Space, World Caf and SimuReal) and the ways in which they surpass traditional methods for organizational change
  • Explains the latest theory, research, and practice, and translates it into concrete, actionable ideas for meeting the day-to-day challenges of effective and adaptive leadership and management
  • Includes learning features such as boxed text, short case studies, stories, and cartoons
Sarah Lewis 作者作品表

Practical Appreciative Inquiry: A Toolkit for Applying Appreciative Inquiry to Organisational Challenges, Opportunities, and Aspirations (Paperback)

The Unseen Truth: When Race Changed Sight in America (Compact Disc)

The Unseen Truth: When Race Changed Sight in America (MP3 CD)

eBook: Michael and Mo (DRM EPUB)

Just Him and Me (Paperback)

WorldViews Junior Workbook: Project42 Edition: Project 42 (Paperback)

WorldViews Workbook: Project42 Edition (Paperback)

Time and Gender on the Shakespearean Stage (Paperback)

eBook: William and the Mysterious Letters (DRM EPUB)

English Code American 6 Assessment Book (Spiral bound)

eBook: Time and Gender on the Shakespearean Stage (DRM PDF)

English Code American 5 Assessment Book (Spiral bound)

The Slow Tourist in Flintshir: Adventures at low speed (Illustrated ed) (Paperback)

Phpp Illustrated (Paperback)

Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management (Paperback)

Positive Psychology and Change - How Leadership, Collaboration and Appreciative Inquiry Create Transformational Results (Hardcover)

Aperture 223: Vision & Justice (Colour)

eBook: Therapeutic Correctional Relationships: Theory, research and practice (DRM PDF)

eBook: Therapeutic Correctional Relationships: Theory, research and practice (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Positive Psychology and Change (DRM PDF)

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