Grandparenting (Paperback)
作者: Susan Moore 
分類: Sociology: family & relationships ,
Psychology of ageing ,
Family psychology ,
Personal & public health  
書城編號: 1104122

售價: $672.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2016/09/20
尺寸: 234x156x16mm
重量: 316 grams
ISBN: 9781138640344
>> 相關電子書


Grandparenting: Contemporary Perspectives is one of the first books of its kind to offer a dedicated account of the social and psychological research on this important life stage. Reflecting the contemporary positive approach to ageing, it covers many of the issues that impact the grandparent experience today, such as care-giving and changing family structures, to reveal the health and wellbeing benefits of the grandparent role. It examines biological, psychological, social/ familial, gender, cultural and economic dimensions to map out the current landscape in this emerging field.

Moore and Rosenthal draw on quantitative and qualitative, experimental, survey, observation and case study research, including unique data on grandfathers. They examine how people respond to the challenges and possibilities of grandparenting, and how this influences intergenerational relationships and adapting to growing older. The book provides a comprehensive, up-to-date evidence base for students in health, sociology and psychology and those interested in gerontology and the lifespan.

Susan Moore 作者作品表


A Story For The Tabloids (Paperback)

Indigo Island (Paperback)

Emerald Secret (Paperback)

Grandparenting (Paperback)

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