Attachments: Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis (Paperback)
作者: Jeremy Holmes 
分類: Psychoanalytical theory (Freudian psychology) ,
書城編號: 1104355

售價: $630.00

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出版社: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2016/02/08
尺寸: 234x156x21mm
重量: 490 grams
ISBN: 9781138782860
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For three decades Jeremy Holmes has been a leading figure in psychodynamic psychiatry in the UK and across the world. He has played a central role in promoting the ideas of John Bowlby and in developing the clinical applications - psychiatric and psychotherapeutic - of Attachment Theory in working with adults. Drawing on both psychoanalytic and attachment ideas, Holmes has been able to encompass a truly biopsychosocial perspective. As a psychotherapist Holmes brings together psychodynamic, systemic and cognitive models, alert to vital differences, but also keenly sensitive to overlaps and parallels.

This volume of selected papers brings together the astonishing range of Holmes' interests and contributions. The various sections in the book cover:

An extended interview - covering Holmes' career and philosophy as a psychodynamic psychiatrist

'Juvenilia' - sibling relationships, the psychology of nuclear weapons, and the psychodynamics of surgical intervention.

Psychodynamic psychiatry: Integrative and Attachment-Informed

A psychotherapy section in which he develops his model of psychotherapeutic change

'Heroes' - biographical pieces about the major influences including, John Bowlby, Michael Balint, David

Malan, Jonathan Pedder and Charles Rycroft.

'Ephemera' - brief pieces covering such topics as frequency of psychodynamic sessions and fees.

Attachments: Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis - The Selected Works of Jeremy Holmes will be essential and illuminating reading for practitioners and students of psychiatry and psychotherapy in all its guises.

Jeremy Holmes 作者作品表

eBook: Spirit of Psychotherapy (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Brain has a Mind of its Own: Attachment, Neurobiology, and the New Science of Psychotherapy (DRM EPUB)

Attachment in Therapeutic Practice (Hardcover)

Attachments: Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis (Paperback)

Therapeutic Imagination (Paperback)

eBook: Search for the Secure Base: Attachment Theory and Psychotherapy (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Search for the Secure Base: Attachment Theory and Psychotherapy (DRM PDF)

eBook: Attachments: Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis: The selected works of Jeremy Holmes (DRM PDF)

eBook: Attachments: Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis: The selected works of Jeremy Holmes (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Therapeutic Imagination: Using literature to deepen psychodynamic understanding and enhance empathy (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Therapeutic Imagination: Using literature to deepen psychodynamic understanding and enhance empathy (DRM PDF)

eBook: John Bowlby and Attachment Theory (DRM PDF)

eBook: John Bowlby and Attachment Theory (DRM EPUB)

John Bowlby and Attachment Theory (Paperback)

Attachment Theory (Hardcover)

Storr's Art of Psychotherapy 3E: 3rd Edition

Exploring in Security (Paperback)

There Was an Old Lady (Hardcover)

eBook: Exploring in Security: Towards an Attachment-Informed Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (DRM PDF)

eBook: Exploring in Security: Towards an Attachment-Informed Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (DRM PDF)

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