BSTAT2 (Hardcover)
作者: Gerald Keller 
書城編號: 1106888

原價: HK$638.00
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出版社: Cengage Learning, Inc
出版日期: 2013/10/16
尺寸: 0x0x0mm
ISBN: 9781285447681

Created by the continuous feedback of a "student-tested, faculty-approved" process, BCOM6 delivers a visually appealing, succinct print component, tear-out review cards for students and instructors and a consistent online offering with Enhanced CourseMate that includes an eBook in addition to a set of interactive digital tools all at a value-based price and proven to increase retention and outcomes. BCOM6 provides expanded coverage on technology and social media, abundant real world examples, and model documents to guide students' writing practice.
Gerald Keller 作者作品表

Statistics for Management and Economics (12 ed) (Hardcover)

Statistics for Management and Economics (Hardcover)

統計學(11th Edition)

Statistics for Management and Economics + XLSTAT Bind-in (Hardcover)

Managerial Statistics (Paperback)

BSTAT2 (Hardcover)

統計學 : 基礎與應用 (9th edition)

Managerial Statistics (Hardcover)

Managerial Statistics (Paperback)

統計學 (8e)(內附光碟)

Applied Statistics with Microsoft Excel (Mixed media product)

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