Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences (Hardcover)
作者: Jay L. Devore 
書城編號: 1108208

原價: HK$2510.00
現售: HK$2384.5 節省: HK$125.5

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出版社: Cengage Learning, Inc
出版日期: 2015/01/31
尺寸: 246x189x20mm
重量: 1.61 kg
ISBN: 9781305251809

Put statistical theories into practice with PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS FOR ENGINEERING AND THE SCIENCES, 9th Edition. Always a favorite with statistics students, this calculus-based text offers a comprehensive introduction to probability and statistics while demonstrating how professionals apply concepts, models, and methodologies in today's engineering and scientific careers. Jay Devore, an award-winning professor and internationally recognized author and statistician, emphasizes authentic problem scenarios in a multitude of examples and exercises, many of which involve real data, to show how statistics makes sense of the world. Mathematical development and derivations are kept to a minimum. The book also includes output, graphics, and screen shots from various statistical software packages to give you a solid perspective of statistics in action. A Student Solutions Manual, which includes worked-out solutions to almost all the odd-numbered exercises in the book, is available.
Jay L. Devore 作者作品表

Bundle: Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, 9th + Webassign Printed Access Card for Devore's Probability and Statistics for E

Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences (Paperback)

Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences (Hardcover)

Applied Statistics for Engineers and Scientists (3 ed) (Hardcover)

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