Football Ghosts (Paperback)
作者: Garry Parsons 
分類: Horror & ghost stories, chillers (Children's / Teenage) ,
Football / soccer (Children's / Teenage) ,
Educational: English language: readers & reading schemes  
書城編號: 1111291

原價: HK$70.00
現售: HK$66.5 節省: HK$3.5

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出版社: Egmont UK Ltd
出版日期: 2016/07/01
尺寸: 212x147x7mm
重量: 0.09 kg
ISBN: 9781405282437


A spooky, funny football story by Malachy Doyle and Garry Parsons, perfect for children learning to read.

Seamus loves two things - United and ghosts So when he hears that the spooky old castle on the hill has ghosts playing football in it, he's up there in a flash Well, as quickly as he can go with his scaredy-ba Granda in tow. Once they get into the castle, Seamus discovers that there are two teams kicking a ball around there - the 1948 United and Rovers cup final teams, doomed to play on until they hear the final whistle. And guess what Seamus has in his pocket? But first, there's the chance to beat the Rovers, with Seamus the star striker in place

The Reading Ladder series helps children to enjoy learning to read. It features well-loved authors, classic characters and favourite topics, so that children will find something to excite and engage them in every title they pick up. It's the first step towards a lasting love of reading.

Level 3 Reading Ladder titles are perfect for fluent readers who are beginning to read exciting, challenging stories independently.

- Varied sentences

- Detailed illustrations to enjoy

- Chapters

- Interesting characters and themes

- A rich range of vocabulary

- More complex storylines to stretch confident readers

All Reading Ladder titles are developed with a leading literacy consultant, making them perfect for use in schools and for parents keen to support their children's reading.

Book band: White.

Garry Parsons 作者作品表

Wrong Kind of Bark (Paperback)

Football Ghosts (Paperback)

Spooky Soccer (Paperback)

Ten Spooky Skeletons (Hardcover)

Krong! (Paperback)

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