Art of the Simon and Kirby Studio (Hardcover)
作者: Mark Evanier 
分類: Comic book & cartoon art  
書城編號: 1120323

原價: HK$600.00
現售: HK$570 節省: HK$30

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出版社: Abrams
出版日期: 2014/11/11
尺寸: 311x229x37mm
重量: 2.36 kg
ISBN: 9781419711602

The names Joe Simon and Jack Kirby are synony­mous with comic books, and their partnership ush­ered in the Golden Age of comics starting in the 1940s. Together they created memorable characters such as Captain America and Sandman, invented romance com­ics, and raised the standard for the genres of western, crime, and horror comic books. Over the course of three decades they wrote and illustrated several hundred comics, many of which are reproduced in this oversized volume covering all aspects of their amazing career. Selected and with an introduction by Mark Evanier, the foremost authority on the work of Simon and Kirby, and an afterword by Jim Simon, son of Joe Simon, the book includes artwork photographed from the original art in Joe Simon's private archive and showcases the seminal work of Simon and Kirby and their artistry as it has never been seen before.
Mark Evanier 作者作品表

Garfield: Full Course 3 (Paperback)

Garfield: Full Course (Paperback)

Jack Kirby's Dingbat Love (Hardcover)

Grumpy Cat & Garfield (Hardcover)

Kirby (Paperback)

Garfield (Paperback)

Art of the Simon and Kirby Studio (Hardcover)

Rocky & Bullwinkle (Paperback)

Star Wars (Paperback)

Spirit (Paperback)

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