Sand Spider (Paperback)
作者: Carl Bowen 
書城編號: 1122576

原價: HK$100.00
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出版日期: 2014/07/01
尺寸: 201x132x8mm
重量: 0.18 kg
ISBN: 9781434291714

As Lieutenant Commander Ryan Cross and the soldiers of Shadow Squadron welcome their first female member to the team, Cross receives an urgent call from a powerful senator demanding assistance in saving his kidnapped son. When the team touches down in Mali, they immediately learn that something far more sinister than a simple kidnapping is going down in the desert... In their Starred Review of Elite Infantry, Kirkus Reviews lauded the Shadow Squadron series as "breathtaking to the word" with "top-drawer renderings of secret military missions around the globe." This action packed series delivers exciting stories highly relevant to today's real-world conflicts. Each book in the Shadow Squadron series includes glossaries, writing prompts, and discussion questions aimed at stimulating safe, objective discussion about war, current events, and the modern military.
Carl Bowen 作者作品表

Predator & Prey: Vampire (Paperback)

BMX Breakthrough (Paperback)

Gods and Thunder (Paperback)

Thor vs. the Giants (Paperback)

Thor and Loki (Paperback)

Jak and the Magic Nano-Beans: A Graphic Novel (Paperback)

Long Shadow (Paperback)

Guardian Angel (Paperback)

Dragon Teeth (Paperback)

Steel Hammer (Paperback)

Rogue Agent (Paperback)

Dark Agent (Paperback)

Sand Spider (Paperback)

Shadow Squadron Pack C of 2 (Mixed media product)

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