Belinda and the Bears and the New Chair (Paperback)
作者: Kaye Umansky 
書城編號: 1124980

原價: HK$70.00
現售: HK$66.5 節省: HK$3.5

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出版日期: 2016/07/05
尺寸: 198x129x6mm
重量: 0.11 kg
ISBN: 9781444013511
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Early Readers are stepping stones from picture books to reading books. A blue Early Reader is perfect for sharing and reading together. A red Early Reader is the next step on your reading journey.

There are two cottages in Honeybear Lane. One has a green door, and one has a blue door. Behind the green door lives Belinda. Behind the blue door live . . . The Three Bears

Goldilocks has broken Baby's chair, and Daddy Bear doesn't know how to fix it. Can Belinda help make it Just Right again?

Kaye Umansky's new series for Early Readers is just as warm and delightful as her Algy's Amazing Adventures books. Every page is illustrated in full colour by Chris Jevons.

Kaye Umansky 作者作品表

This Rock Is Mine (HB) (Hardcover)

This Rock Is Mine (PB) (Paperback)

Dick the Delightful Duck (HB) (Hardcover)

Dick the Delightful Duck (PB) (Paperback)

Witch in Winter (Paperback)

Peculiar Thing with the Pea (Paperback)

Wilma's Wicked Revenge (Unabridged ed) (Audio disc)

eBook: Witch in Winter (DRM EPUB)


Pongwiffy and the Holiday of Doom (Unabridged ed) (CD-Audio)

Witches (Un)Welcome (Paperback)

Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Reflect: Oxford Level 16: Terri (Paperback)

Stepsisters' Story (Paperback)

Fairy Tales: The Villain's Version (Paperback)

Even More Pongwiffy Stories (Paperback)

Wish for a Witch (Paperback)

Pongwiffy Stories 2 (Paperback)

Just Plain Weird (Paperback)

Knights and the Best Quest (Paperback)

Witch for a Week (Paperback)

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