Anger Is a Gift ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)
作者: Mark Oshiro 
書城編號: 11360589

售價: $270.00

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出版社: Thorndike Striving Reader
出版日期: 2020/09/09
重量: 0.8 kg
ISBN: 9781432879341


The trade paperback edition of the highly buzzed about YA debut from Mark Oshiro, Anger Is a Gift follows a boy from Oakland as he falls in love amidst the chaos of modern America.

*31st Annual Lammy Finalist for LGBTQ Children's/Young Adult category*
*2019 ALA Schneider Family Book Award Teen Winner*
*Buzzfeed's 24 Best YA Books of 2018*
*Vulture's 38 Best LGBTQ YA Novels*
*Book Riot's Best Books 2018*
*Hyable's Most Anticipated Queer YA Books of 2018*
*The Mary Sue's 18 Books You Should Read in 2018*

Moss Jeffries is many things--considerate student, devoted son, loyal friend and affectionate boyfriend, enthusiastic nerd.

But sometimes Moss still wishes he could be someone else--someone without panic attacks, someone whose father was still alive, someone who hadn't become a rallying point for a community because of one horrible night.

And most of all, he wishes he didn't feel so stuck.

Moss can't even escape at school--he and his friends are subject to the lack of funds and crumbling infrastructure at West Oakland High, as well as constant intimidation by the resource officer stationed in their halls. That was even before the new regulations--it seems sometimes that the students are treated more like criminals.

Something will have to change--but who will listen to a group of teens?

When tensions hit a fever pitch and tragedy strikes again, Moss must face a difficult choice: give in to fear and hate or realize that anger can actually be a gift.

Mark Oshiro 作者作品表

eBook: Jasmine Is Haunted (DRM EPUB)

Jasmine Is Haunted (Hardcover)

You Only Live Once, David Bravo (Paperback)

eBook: Into the Light (DRM EPUB)

You Only Live Once, David Bravo (MP3 CD)

eBook: You Only Live Once, David Bravo (DRM EPUB)

The Insiders (Paperback)

eBook: Each of Us a Desert (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Anger Is a Gift: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Anger Is a Gift: A Novel (mp3 zips)

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