Don Quixote: Volume I (Paperback)
作者: Miguel De Cervantes 
書城編號: 11375886

售價: $180.00

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出版社: Waking Lion Pr
出版日期: 2020/04/20
重量: 0.53 kg
ISBN: 9781434104434


One of the funniest yet also the most tragic of books, Don Quixote chronicles the marvelous adventures of the self-appointed knight-errant Don Quixote of La Mancha. With his faithful squire, Sancho Panza, he travels through sixteenth-century Spain tilting at windmills, fighting with friars, and twisting the countryside into a fantasy of castles, fortresses, and sorcerers. At the same time, the relationship between the two men grows in fascinating subtlety.

Don Quixote is the most influential work of literature from the Spanish Golden Age and the entire Spanish literary canon. Often labeled "the first modern novel," it is also considered one of the finest ever written. By the 20th century, Don Quixote had come to be regarded as one of the foundations of modern literature.

Newly designed and typeset by Waking Lion Press.

Miguel De Cervantes 作者作品表

Don Quixote (Collector's Edition) (Laminated Hardback with Jacket) (Hardcover)

Don Quixote (Paperback)

eBook: Rinconete y Cortadillo: De Novelas Ejemplares (DRM EPUB)

Don Quijote de la Mancha (Paperback)

Don Quijote de la Mancha (Hardcover)

eBook: El Amante Liberal: De Novelas Ejemplares (DRM EPUB)

Don Quixote (Hardcover)

Don Quixote (Paperback)

Don Quixote (Paperback)

eBook: La Gitanilla (DRM EPUB)

L'ingénieux Chevalier Don Quichotte De La Manche. Deuxième Partie. (Paperback)

L'ingénieux Chevalier Don Quichotte De La Manche. Première Partie. (Paperback)

El Trato de Argel (Paperback)

El cerco de Numancia (Paperback)

La Galatea (Paperback)

Don Quijote de la Mancha (Cómic) (Paperback)

eBook: Force of Blood: ''In mercy kill me this moment!'' (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Force of Blood: ''In mercy kill me this moment!'' (DRM PDF)

Miguel de Cervantes: The Complete Novels (The Greatest Writers of All Time Book 28) (Paperback)

Miguel de Cervantes: The Complete Novels (The Greatest Writers of All Time Book 28) (Hardcover)

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