Managerial Statistics (Paperback)

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作者: Gerald Keller 
書城編號: 1141515

原價: HK$899.00
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出版社: Cengage Learning
出版日期: 2015/04/19
尺寸: 246x189x20mm
重量: 523 grams
ISBN: 9781473704800

Managerial Statistics by Gerald Keller is an established and worldwide bestselling business statistics text. Packed with examples and real data, UK-based author Nicoleta Gaciu joins Gerald Keller in this new edition to present a comprehensive, application-driven text developed and tailored especially for courses across the UK, Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Through Keller’s unique three-step approach to problem solving, students learn to identify the correct statistical technique, compute the statistics, and ultimately interpret results in the context of the problem.
Gerald Keller 作者作品表

Statistics for Management and Economics (12 ed) (Hardcover)

Statistics for Management and Economics (Hardcover)

統計學(11th Edition)

Statistics for Management and Economics + XLSTAT Bind-in (Hardcover)

Managerial Statistics (Paperback)

BSTAT2 (Hardcover)

統計學 : 基礎與應用 (9th edition)

Managerial Statistics (Hardcover)

Managerial Statistics (Paperback)

統計學 (8e)(內附光碟)

Applied Statistics with Microsoft Excel (Mixed media product)

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