Psychopathology & Abnormal Psychology (Hardcover)
作者: Graham Davey 
分類: Abnormal psychology  
書城編號: 1142210

售價: $13370.00

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出版社: Sage Publications Ltd
出版日期: 2015/03/11
尺寸: 245x170x121mm
重量: 3254 grams
ISBN: 9781473907720


This Major Work provides a structured and comprehensive insight into the areas of psychopathology and abnormal psychology - topics that cover the causes and treatments of mental health problems. This is a notably interdisciplinary field that intersects a number of domains of psychological science including clinical psychology, child psychology, experimental psychology, social psychology and neuropsychology, as well as touching upon other areas of study, such as education. It also forms the knowledge base for professions such as clinical psychology and psychiatry.

This collection's contents are structured thematically and each of the five volumes is dedicated to an important area of psychopathology or abnormal psychology. Additionally, each volume includes an introduction written by the work's acclaimed editor, Graham C. Davey, which maps out the volume's structure and highlights the significance of each article and the how the subject matter in that area has developed.

Volume One: Conceptual Issues, Classification & Assessment

Volume Two: Anxiety, Mood & Trauma-Related Disorders

Volume Three: Psychosis & Personality Disorders

Volume Four: Substance Dependency & Eating Disorders

Volume Five: The Treatment of Psychopathology

Graham Davey 作者作品表

The Catastrophic Worrier: Why You Worry and How to Stop (16pt Large Print Edition) (Paperback)

The Catastrophic Worrier: Why You Worry and How to Stop (MP3 CD)

The Catastrophic Worrier: Why You Worry and How to Stop (Compact Disc)

eBook: Catastrophic Worrier (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Catastrophic Worrier (DRM PDF)

eBook: Psychology Student's Guide to Study and Employability (DRM PDF)

eBook: Psychology Student's Guide to Study and Employability (DRM EPUB)

Anxiety Epidemic (Hardcover)

Clinical Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies (Hardcover)

Clinical Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies (Paperback)

eBook: Anxiety Epidemic: The Causes of our Modern-Day Anxieties (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ecological Learning Theory (DRM PDF)

eBook: Ecological Learning Theory (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Applications of Conditioning Theory (DRM PDF)

eBook: Applications of Conditioning Theory (DRM EPUB)

Psychopathology & Abnormal Psychology (Hardcover)

Clinical Psychology (Paperback)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Paperback)

Managing Anxiety with CBT For Dummies (Paperback)

Introduction to Applied Psychology (Paperback)

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