My Mother Said I Never Should GCSE Student Guide (Paperback)
作者: Sophie Bush 
分類: Educational: English literature ,
For National Curriculum Key Stage 4 & GCSE  
書城編號: 1142703

售價: $154.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版日期: 2015/12/03
尺寸: 198x129x9mm
重量: 103 grams
ISBN: 9781474251655
>> 相關電子書


Written specifically for GCSE students by academics in the field, the Methuen Drama GCSE Guides conveniently gather indispensable resources and tips for successful understanding and writing all in one place, preparing students to approach their exams with confidence.

Key features include a critical commentary of the play with extensive, clearly labelled analyses on themes, characters and context. They take studying drama even further with sections on dramatic technique, critical reception, related works, fascinating behind-the-scenes interviews with playwrights, directors or actors, and a helpful glossary of dramatic terms.

Charlotte Keatley's My Mother Said I Never Should grapples with social forces that threaten to split four generations of women apart. When Jackie, who is unmarried, gives away her baby to her mother, the women are united in keeping this family secret yet divided in their opinions of it.

Closely following the requirements of GCSE English Literature assessment objectives, these studies include expert advice on how to write about modern drama. With featured activities for group study and independent work, they are versatile and valuable to students and teachers alike.

Sophie Bush 作者作品表

Warehouse Home: Industrial Inspiration for Twenty-First-Century Living (Paperback)

My Mother Said I Never Should GCSE Student Guide (Paperback)

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