The Power of Co-Creation: Build It with Them to Boost Growth, Productivity, and Profits (Paperback)
作者: Venkat Ramaswamy 
書城編號: 11521042

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出版社: Free Pr
出版日期: 2020/04/18
ISBN: 9781439181058
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A groundbreaking guide to a set of transformative new ways to harness technologies in order to open up your company and involve consumers in "co-creating" your business, from product development, to brand building and the crafting of new services.

Apple embraced co-creation to enhance the speed and scope of its innovation, generat-ing over $1 billion for its App-Store partner-developers in two years, even as it overtook Microsoft in market value. Starbucks launched its online platform to tap into ideas from customers and turbocharged a turnaround. Unilever turned to co-creation for redesigning prod-uct lines such as Sunsilk shampoo and revitalized growth. Nike achieved remarkable success with its Nike+ co-creation initiative, which enables a com-munity of over a million runners to interact with one another and the company, increasing its market share by 10 percent in the first year.

Co-creation involves redefining the way organizations engage individuals--customers, employees, suppliers, partners, and other stake-holders--bringing them into the process of value creation and engaging them in enriched experi-ences, in order to:
--formulate new breakthrough strategies
--design compelling new products and services
--transform management processes
--lower risks and costs
--increase market share, loyalty, and returns

In this pathbreaking book, Venkat Ramaswamy (who coined the term co-creation with C. K. Prahalad) and Francis Gouillart, pioneers in working with com-panies to develop co-creation practices, show how every organization--from large corporation to small firm, and government agency to not-for-profit--can achieve "win more-win more" results with these methods. Based on extraordinary research and the authors' hands-on experiences with successful projects in co-creation at dozens of the world's most exciting organizations, The Power of Co-Creation illustrates with detailed examples from leading firms such as those above, as well as from Cisco, GlaxoSmithKline, Ama-zon, Jabil, Predica, Wacoal, Caja Navarra, and many others, how enterprises have used a wide range of "engagement platforms"--and how they have even restructured internal management processes--in order to harness the power of co-creation.

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