Finger Knitting Fun (Paperback)
作者: Vickie Howell 
書城編號: 1159759

原價: HK$230.00
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出版社: Quarry Books
出版日期: 2015/04/15
尺寸: 254x216x8mm
重量: 0.29 kg
ISBN: 9781631590702

"What can I make with this ball of yarn?" Finger Knitting Fun is the answer! So quick and simple, a perfect project for children, learning how to knit with your fingers is the best way to start crafting without cumbersome needles! All you need is some yarn and your hands to create modern and sophisticated knitted strands that you can use in any project around the house or everyday fashion. From jewelry and wearable accessories to wall art, gifts, and room decorations, Finger Knitting Fun includes illustrated, step-by-step instructions for 28 projects, which use yarn and other exciting materials such as paracord, leather, and more. DIY Lifestyles expert Vickie Howell provides you with a wonderful resource with the basics of finger knitting and over 28 things to make with the beautiful fabric that you create. Grab that ball of yarn and easily turn it into a charming knitted piece with endless possibilities.
Vickie Howell 作者作品表

eBook: Fun and Easy Finger Knitting for Beginners (DRM EPUB)

Knit Vibe (Hardcover)

eBook: Knit Vibe: A Knitter's Guide to Creativity, Community, and Well-being for Mind, Body & Soul (DRM PDF)

Wee Garter Stitch (Paperback)

Finger Knitting Fun (Paperback)

Step it Up Knits (Paperback)

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