Relationship Portraits (Paperback)
作者: Tim Walden 
書城編號: 1160996

原價: HK$350.00
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出版社: Amherst Media Inc
出版日期: 2016/09/20
尺寸: 254x178x10mm
重量: 0.36 kg
ISBN: 9781682030288
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Tim Walden's photographic forte is capturing relationship images--emotionally resonant images that show the connection between subjects. To achieve this goal, he strives to proceed through a three-step portrait process: capture, adjust, and refine. He studies the clients and does not push the shutter button until he sees some magic unfold. If the clients are still "in the moment," he may make a slight adjustment to the pose or lighting and capture a second, slightly varied image. If the subjects are still enthralled at that point, he will make a further refinement, producing a portrait that, in Tim's mind, is the pinnacle shot--the dynamic, emotionally evocative, storytelling images he strives for.

In this book, Tim presents over 60 images from some of his most memorable sessions, sharing with readers tips for capturing moments, enhancing the presentation, and truly amplifying the artistry of the capture to produce a fine-art image that will be cherished for generations.

Tim Walden 作者作品表

Relationship Portraits (Paperback)

eBook: Relationship Portraits: Capture Emotion in Black & White Photography (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Relationship Portraits: Capture Emotion in Black & White Photography (DRM EPUB)

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