Everyday Exotic (Paperback)
作者: Roger Mooking 
書城編號: 1162421

原價: HK$350.00
現售: HK$332.5 節省: HK$17.5

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出版社: Whitecap Books
出版日期: 2011/10/13
尺寸: 277x229x18mm
重量: 0.97 kg
ISBN: 9781770500648


Following the success of the hit television series Everyday Exotic, Chef Roger Mooking and his producer Allan Magee bring together the most delicious of his 52 inspiring episodes. Using the concept of one main exotic ingredient, Roger demystifies the ingredient through its flavour and aroma, empowering the reader to embrace them in their cooking. Mix in your standard midweek recipes and you have new classics that your entire family will love.

From Monday's standard meatloaf, to Sunday's traditional roast chicken, it's easy to learn how to embrace new taste sensations that turn those tired midweek recipes into fresh and exciting new meals. With Roger and Everyday Exotic by your side, you have the perfect go-to guide for solving that seemingly impossible question, What should I make for dinner tonight? And as Roger insists, you eat first with your eyes. So discover your own inspiration for plating each recipe in the accompanying beautiful presentations found within each vibrant and colorful photo throughout the book.

How to: make your pantry pop with flavour, aroma and color, redefine comfort food, tame an intimidating ingredient to make it your very own "Obedient Ingredient", bring the flavours of the world to your everyday and special-occasion meals, turn the tried and true into a taste sensation!

Roger Mooking 作者作品表

Curious Sounds: A Dialogue in Three Movements (Hardcover)

Everyday Exotic (Paperback)

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