100 Great Children's Picturebooks (Hardcover)
作者: Martin Salisbury 
書城編號: 1164464

原價: HK$400.00
現售: HK$380 節省: HK$20

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出版社: Laurence King
出版日期: 2015/04/13
尺寸: 291x226x29mm
重量: 1365 grams
ISBN: 9781780674087

This unashamed visual feast celebrates the best designed and illustrated picturebooks from around the world over the past one hundred years.

Each book is a creation of genius and inventiveness, and their design and illustration represent such diverse trends as the Russian Constructivists, Italian Futurists, and Postwar Neo-romantics. They are also mirrors of their times reflecting social concerns from a child's and family's perspectives throughout the twentieth and into the twenty-first century.

Fearlessly confronting the frontiers between a child's picturebook and art, this is a collection of books that anyone with an interest in design, illustration, or simply children's literature should know about.

Martin Salisbury 作者作品表

Oliver Jeffers (the Illustrators) (Hardcover)

Illustrators' Sketchbooks: Inside the Creative Processes of 60 Iconic and Emerging Artists (Hardcover)

eBook: Lost Cities of the Ancient World (DRM EPUB)


Children's Picturebooks Second Edition (Paperback)

Illustrating Children's Books: Creating Pictures for Publication (Hardcover)

The Snail that Climbed the Eiffel Tower and Other Work by John Minton: The Graphic Work of John Minton (Hardcover)

The Illustrated Dust Jacket 1920-1970

100 Great Children's Picturebooks (Hardcover)

Children's Picturebooks: The Art of Visual Storytelling (paperback)

Children's Picture Books (Paperback)

Illustrating Children's Books : Creating Pictures for Publication

Illustrating Children's Books (Paperback)

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