Movie Doctors (Paperback)
作者: Simon Mayo 
分類: Films, cinema  
書城編號: 1169238

原價: HK$140.00
現售: HK$133 節省: HK$7

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出版日期: 2016/06/02
尺寸: 198x129x22mm
重量: 0.27 kg
ISBN: 9781782116646
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Whatever your ailment, the nation's best-loved film experts have the perfect cinematic prescription for you, whether it's a course of the Coens or a dose of Die Hard. And they're ready to cure the movies to, taking their scalpels to bloated blockbusters and warning of the ill effects of overpraise.

Where medical ignorance and movie expertise meet - the surgery of Doctors Kermode and Mayo is now open.

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Movie Doctors (Hardcover)

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