Fire and Blood (Hardcover)

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作者: Enzo Traverso 
書城編號: 1178339

原價: HK$270.00
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出版社: VERSO
出版日期: 2016/01/12
尺寸: 235x156x30mm
重量: 0.59 kg
ISBN: 9781784781330
>> 相關電子書

Europe's second Thirty Years' War--an epoch of blood and ashes

Fire and Blood looks at the European crisis of the two world wars as a single historical sequence: the age of the European Civil War (1914-1945). Its overture was played out in the trenches of the Great War; its coda on a ruined continent. It opened with conventional declarations of war and finished with "unconditional surrender." Proclamations of national unity led to eventual devastation, with entire countries torn to pieces. During these three decades of deepening conflicts, a classical interstate conflict morphed into a global civil war, abandoning rules of engagement and fought by irreducible enemies rather than legitimate adversaries, each seeking the annihilation of its opponents. It was a time of both unchained passions and industrial, rationalized massacre. Utilizing multiple sources, Enzo Traverso depicts the dialectic of this era of wars, revolutions and genocides. Rejecting commonplace notions of "totalitarian evil," he rediscovers the feelings and reinterprets the ideas of an age of intellectual and political commitment when Europe shaped world history with its own collapse.

Enzo Traverso 作者作品表

Gaza Faces History (Paperback)

Gaza Faces History (Paperback)

eBook: Gaza ante la historia (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Revolution: An Intellectual History (DRM EPUB)

Jewish Question (Paperback)


New Faces of Fascism (Hardcover)

eBook: New Faces of Fascism (DRM EPUB)

eBook: New Faces of Fascism: Populism and the Far Right (DRM EPUB)

Fire and Blood (Paperback)

eBook: Left-Wing Melancholia: Marxism, History, and Memory (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Left-Wing Melancholia: Marxism, History, and Memory (DRM PDF)

End of Jewish Modernity (Paperback)

eBook: End of Jewish Modernity (DRM EPUB)

eBook: End of Jewish Modernity (DRM PDF)

Fire and Blood (Hardcover)

Understanding the Nazi Genocide: Marxism After Auschwitz (Paperback)

Understanding the Nazi Genocide: Marxism After Auschwitz (Hardcover)

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