Knitted Home (Paperback)
作者: Sian Brown 
書城編號: 1178853

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出版日期: 2016/07/05
尺寸: 275x215x7mm
重量: 0.18 kg
ISBN: 9781784941642


Everyone loves a good makeover. Knit room by room and upgrade your home's decor and style with these beautiful knitted projects. The Knitted Home features 12 projects-to-make - a snuggly throw, storage containers, door curtain, toy bag, and more - that are all thoroughly explained for beginners with easy-to-follow illustrations and charts. Made from pure wools, hypo-allergenic alpaca, mohair, cashmere, silk, cotton, and bamboo, these versatile knits are cozy and comforting while adding bright colors to freshen up your home.

Sian Brown 作者作品表

Knitted Flowers: 30 Simple Floral Patterns to Create (Paperback)

The Demons We Fight (Paperback)

eBook: Intarsia (DRM EPUB)

How to Knit Beautiful Bags (Paperback)

Twenty to Make: Knitted Baby Mitts (Paperback)

Knitted Home (Paperback)

Tea Cozies 3 (Paperback)

Knitted Home (Paperback)

eBook: 20 to Knit: Knitted Baby Mitts (DRM EPUB)

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