Future of Global Organizing (Hardcover)
作者: Alain Verbeke 
分類: International business  
書城編號: 1180519

售價: $1694.00

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出版社: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd
出版日期: 2015/10/20
尺寸: 229x152x40mm
重量: 881 grams
ISBN: 9781785604232
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This latest volume of Progress in International Business Research explores novel ways in which international business is organized. Contributions advance our understanding and stretch our thinking about new organizational and geographic structures in MNCs, and other organizational forms across borders and geographies. Authors ask challenging questions: will the traditional MNC as we know it be replaced by other dominant designs, and what new forms of global organizing can we expect in the future? What do contemporary digital and technological developments, e.g. social media, virtual worlds, and cloud services, imply for the international organization of work, communication, and management practices?
Alain Verbeke 作者作品表

Contemporary International Business in the Asia-Pacific Regi (Paperback)

Future of Global Organizing (Hardcover)

Multinational Enterprises, Markets and Institutional Diversi (Hardcover)

International Business Strategy (Paperback)

Entrepreneurship in the Global Firm (Hardcover)

International Business Strategy (Paperback)

International Business Strategy (Hardcover)

Research in Global Strategic Management: Beyond the Three Generics : Workshop : Papers (Hardcover)

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